SpellBoard App Review
Win this app September 20th, 2015!
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SpellBoard App Overview
I am super excited about this app! SpellBoard is the ultimate study tool for kids that are learning to spell. As a teacher, or parent it can be difficult to help children stay engaged and on track with spelling tests. This app will help! You can input new spelling words, take practice tests, play crossword puzzles using those words, and so much more. It also allows for independent studying which can make a parents’ job simpler. SpellBoard was created by Pala Software. They have created many educational apps that can help to teach and support children through learning. I recently reviewed their MathBoard app as well. I was really impressed and so I was expecting a lot from SpellBoard. Luckily, It exceeded my expectations and has become a new favorite. I am ready to point out the many great features for kids, teachers, and parents. Let’s begin!
For Parents
Drilling new words each week can be a fight at home. You might be dreading the idea of forcing your child to go over their new words each week. It can also be hard to fit everything in and make sure the child is not overwhelmed. Some of the best features for parents with SpellBoard include:
*It is specifically for spelling which makes it easy to figure out and use every week.
*Once set up, it allows the child to study the words independently.
*You can input the words into the app that come home in your child’s backpack. You can even record your voice so they can hear it back. It is the perfect study aide.
*You can share your quiz with teachers, relatives, or aides through Dropbox, email, iCloud, or bluetooth.
*The child can practice writing the word on the app which helps with memorizing it faster and visualizing it later on.
*The study mode will walk the child through the quiz. They will be able to see and hear the words til you are ready to try testing. This is perfect for children with test anxiety or those that have learning difficulties.
*If you don’t have a list of words yet, no problem. SpellBoard has word groupings that you can download and start with instead. You can make it fun with the word searches and activities available.
For Teachers
This app is also great for teachers because you can add all of your students into the app. You can upload the new words for each week and allow the child independent study time in the classroom. Some of the great features SpellBoard offers for the classroom would include:
*Each student/child can have their own profile.
*You can record the words using your voice for the student each week so they can hear them while they attempt to spell the word.
*Creating spelling quizzes in any language has never been easier! Just choose the language and wa-la! You are good to go. It’s Perfect for a Spanish or French immersion class.
*SpellBoard can also generate missing letter activities, word search, word scramble, and alphabetization puzzles from any list of words you provide.
*You can share the quizzes through Dropbox, email, iCloud, bluetooth, or share with spell buddy users. You can keep them all for your own records.
For Kids
Last but not least, kids are important. Their opinion of an app matters. Even though this app isn’t a “game” app, it is still fun. It offers clever ways to effectively teach kids how to spell without making it feel boring or dull. The app is easy to navigate and simple to use. Here are some great features that kids will love!
*It offers word searches, word scrambles, and alphabetization puzzles for the child.
*For those who need more preparation, they can start with the study mode and walk through the entire process to feel more comfortable.
*If old enough, they could record their own voice for the words which makes it a little more exciting and personal. It also makes it easier to memorize.
*They can use it independently. I do recommend parents or teachers inputting the words so they are spelled correctly to begin with but after that, kids can use the app on their own.
What’s Great About This App
I am certain that every parent dealing with weekly spelling quizzes will appreciate this app! I would definitely recommend it for children learning to spell in school or those that struggle with spelling and want to improve. Children who have learning delays will benefit from this app because they can take their time and will enjoy the study mode which steps them through the entire process of test taking. It also allows them to write the words out which helps with memorization. While this apps’ design seems to fit elementary aged children, It could definitely be used for anyone wanting to improve. You can upload and record your own words so the sky is the limit. One small improvement I would make would be to the parent controls. My son figured out how to get into the settings after watching me do the three fingers on the screen.I always prefer the complex math problems so that he can’t outsmart those darn controls and change things. Beyond that, I was incredibly impressed. This is perfect for in and out of the classroom. At the time of writing this review, SpellBoard retailed for $4.99 in the app store. Be sure to get your copy today and enter the giveaway on the Touch Autism Facebook page
Pala Software is the developer of this app. Their focus is creating world class apps. They have many different innovative apps for education available.